Jonathon Harris

Jonathon Harris explores the relationship between queer and non-queer politics, the definition of the profound, spoken and unspoken communications and how history, language, audience and objects can coexist within the art or performance space.
His influences are diverse, including Mike Parr, Alison Winding, Gina Pane, Rose English, Derek Jarman, Troika Ranch, Matthew Hawkins, and Chunky Move. These influences allow for new combinations to be generated from both the inert and the frenetic planning process to create new works that challenge, inform, entertain and move the viewer.

Trained in live and installation art Harris has been creating work since 1996. In this time he has worked internationally with various artists and directors. These include Rose English, Bobby Baker, Polona Baloh Brown, Jonathan Lichtenstein, The Royal Shakespeare Company, The Pulse Festival, The STOFF Festival, Dawn Rose, Penny Howe, Fiona Blair and Jude Anderson to produce small to medium scale live art presentations, as well as one-person performances, site-specific work and digital artworks. Venues have included: The Institute of Contemporary Arts, London; The Globe, London; Kulturhuset Stadsteatern, Stockholm; C3 Art Space, Melbourne; The Red Gallery, Melbourne; The Art Gallery of Ballarat; and Punctum Inc, Castlemaine.
In 2015 Harris was chosen to perform during the 2015 Archibald Prize exhibition.


Jonathon Harris + Sarah crowEST + LON Gallery