2022 Highlights

As the year closes, we would like to take a moment to share some of the highlights of 2022 with you – our valued supporters.


In March, we welcomed the opportunity to gather in person again at the VCA Stables to introduce the five Masters Mentoring students, the mentors and their galleries. During the year, we enjoyed sharing many events, including exhibition openings, open studios, artist’s talks, plus visits to Melbourne Art Fair, Artbank and Lyon Housemuseum Galleries. The highlight was of course the VCA Grad Show just a few weeks ago. We thank each of the students for talking to us about their work in the exhibition spaces and we congratulate them on their final presentations.


Our 2022 mentors, Sarah crowEST, Kenny Pittock, Sean Meilak, Amanda Marburg and John Young were each so generous and engaged throughout the year and we also take this opportunity to thank them for their commitment to mentoring the students this year. We believe the opportunity for the students to be mentored by a successful and established artist is invaluable in developing the practical skills to forge a sustainable career in the art world.


The galleries – LON, MARS, Niagara, Sutton and Arc One – have all contributed greatly to the program in various and valuable ways. We particularly thank Arc One for hosting the In conversation event with John Young, LON Gallery for curating a special survey of Sarah crowEST’s work as well as hosting a performance piece by Jon Harris, Niagara and Sean Meilak for opening his studio. We enjoyed a preview of Kenny Pittock’s work at MARS and both MARS and Sutton Gallery hosted panel discussions towards the end of the year for the students to discuss the mysterious machinations of the art world.


Finally, we are so fortunate to run the VCA Access program with the ongoing support of the VCA, particularly Associate Professor Simone Slee, Vikki McInnes and Dr Kim Donaldson.


Our supporters are the important backbone of the program and we thank you all for staying with us in recent years. We are so pleased 2022 delivered such outstanding experiences for the group – the students + mentors + galleries + supporters.